Welcome to Croker Oars
For well over 50 years Croker Oars have crafted premium stilllwater oars for the rowing community and the pink sleeve has become an international icon, recognisable from afar.
Croker Oars continue to innovate in the sport of rowing, always searching for new and improved technology to create quality products for rowers to perform at their absolute best.
Designed and manufactured in Australia, the Frog Light is tough, waterproof and easy to use.
A marine light is required in most states in Australia so use one which bright and reliable:
How it works:
Auto on/off when turned upside down
(boats turned in boat shed) -
Auto on/off when dark or bright light
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Waterproof and floats
Long lasting re-chargeable batteries
Fully sealed unit - so no leaks
More info: www.froglight.com.au
Note: Currently the Frog Light is only shipping within Australia - but stay tuned, we will keep you updated when we start shipping internationally.

Specially developed for Rowing

Download the latest Product Guide >>
The latest Product Guide is full details of our products.
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A combination of heat and cold water can cause a vacuum causing water to be sucked into a shaft. Howard deomonstrates the best way to fix it.
Latest Maintenance Video
Remove water from oar shaft

Need to change a sleeve? Check out this video.
Replacing sleeves

This latest generation of rowing and sculling oars features small diameter shafts and new blades dedicated to the new shafts.
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